by Aleks Flaks

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March 04 01

Alright! new layout, I have to say that so far, in the 2 week existenz of this comic strip, I have only missed one day and the storyline is getting very interesting, I would like to thank Scrubbo at for letting me use Tom, his main charecter as mine ^_^, THANKS SCRUBBO! The strip is comming a long nicely, not that many vistors though, but thats ok, the more comics I draw, the more fans I will get, I will be leaving you now, Oh yeah, I will miss tomorows comic strip due to lack of time, hehe.
please note that there are html errors all over this site but that is because keenspace' automatic thingamagigy is screwed up on my site...snif....and i do have a new message board, the link to it is under the comic strip, Thankyou and goodnight!

message board =">message board

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(in no particular order) Life on forbez
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